Impact: Make Your Mark
(On a World Gone Mad)

Heroic living to usher in a new age of peace, power, and dignity for all


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You are a force of nature

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Impact: Make Your Mark
(On a World Gone Mad)

We've all been called to live the Hero's Journey, not for glory and fame but to help usher in a new era of empowered activism and heal the world. It involves you standing in your high vibration energies of love, hope, and compassion even when you face low vibration challenges such as hatred and chaos. It’s heroic because that task can be difficult, scary, and exhausting. It's also immensely satisfying and utterly transformational.

Learn how to align your inherent power with universal harmonic principles such as the Law of Attraction to create lasting change in the world, while still respecting the individuality and free will of others.

Meet Your Instructor

As the creator of Light Bridge Patrick Prohaska has helped thousands shine with personal power, joy, and authenticity. Patrick has a Bachelor's degree in history of science and a Master's degree in the religions of ancient India, and has studied countless healing systems, including Ayurveda, Reiki, Theta Healing, aromatherapy, and more. Patrick is the author of Brain Cells: Escape Your Mental Prisons and other books on personal power.

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Impact: Make Your Mark
(On a World Gone Mad)

Register Now $97 USD