Private Light Bridge Sessions
and Integration Coaching
With Patrick Prohaska
Light Bridge Sessions with Patrick
Each Light Bridge private session is different because they're tailored to match your needs and desires. You set the theme for the session, and then we work together to uncover limiting subconscious thoughts, beliefs, biases, and expectations that block you from achieving your goals. I also do energy work as necessary, including trauma clearing, brain balancing, physical healing, guided manifestations, and more.
I only work on internal issues – that is, I work on you and what’s going on inside your brain and body that contributes to your current experience. I don’t work on third parties. So, for example, if you request is "please make my husband stop cheating on me," I can't work on him without his permission, but I can work on whatever it is inside you that attracted a cheating husband in the first place.
The benefits you may experience can be awesome and utterly transformational, but they also depend on you. That is, I can help you shift your energy and mindset, but I can't think your thoughts for you. It’s up to you to choose empowering thoughts and beliefs, and to take action when opportunities arise. However, I can help loosen stuck energy so you can embrace more empowered habits.
Light Bridge is not for people who want to be passive in their own healing. Some expect a magic wand solution, and on occasion that does happen. However, if you want to make your problems to go away but refuse to change any of the habits and beliefs that created your mess in the first place, your success will probably be short-lived. To create meaningful and lasting change in your external world, you must transform your inner world. That’s where we'll do most of the work.
Patrick's Professional Disclaimers
Book Private Sessions

Light Bridge Session
Sessions run about 55 minutes
Single Session: $150 USD
Paid in Advance

3 Light Bridge Sessions
Sessions run about 55 minutes
Package Rate: $140 USD each
$420 USD Total

5 Light Bridge Sessions
Sessions run about 55 minutes
Package Rate: $130 USD each
$650 USD Total

Light Bridge Express Session
Sessions Run About 25 Minutes
Single Session: $79 USD
Paid in Advance

3 Express Sessions
Sessions Run About 25 Minutes
Package Rate: $75 USD each
$225 USD Total

5 Express Sessions
Sessions Run About 25 Minutes
Package Rate: $69 USD each
$345 USD Total

Integration Coaching Session
For Shamanic Voyagers
Sessions Run About 45 Minutes
Single Session: $97 USD
Paid in Advance

3 Integration Sessions
For Shamanic Voyagers
Sessions Run About 45 Minutes
Package Rate: $89 USD each
$267 USD Total

5 Integration Sessions
For Shamanic Voyagers
Sessions Run About 45 Minutes
Package Rate: $79 USD each
$395 USD Total