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I’m so glad for Patrick! You are helping me so much! I keep being amazed what continues to surface, and I’m so appreciative that you can get to the root causes and help me to finally be free. I’m so glad you keep creating more products, and doing all these sessions and interviews. So many of us need your help and to know of you! Best to you and thank you, thank you!
Alice G, California
Thank you ever so much! I have received huge benefits. You are a very powerful coach and teacher! Very thorough! I can see that you have a solid basis for the Light Bridge teachings and stand firmly on your own. I find your teaching style very easy to understand and follow. I will definitely seek out your help and support if needed in the future. I would not hesitate to refer anyone to seek you out. Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Cindy S, California
All I know is: I have tried many techniques - many - and I have found Light Bridge to be the most profoundly immediately confirming. I have experience with other sacred kinds of activations and still, these are the ones I recommend. And Patrick is the best at healing that I have found. Others talk, he delivers.
Martha Y, Atlanta GA